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Fremont Ohio Mayor’s Employee Harasses and Menaces Neighborhood

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Fremont Ohio Mayor’s Employee Harasses and Menaces Neighborhood

Fremont Ohio Mayor Danny Sanchez continues to use the Fremont Police and his employees as pawns in his quest to harass citizens who are witnesses in pending lawsuits that are being filed against the city of Fremont.

This reporter was alerted to an incident where a general employee with the City of Fremont Ohio was caught on a video security system trespassing on a neighbor’s property and then seen triggering the alarm system.

The city employee then goes down the sidewalk and complains to another neighbor about the alarm noise.

We interviewed the neighbor that the city employee complained to, who said the city employee was harassing them to call the police for him about the alarm noise. When the neighbor refused, the city employee became enraged and said he was going to call the police himself. The neighbor further advised this reporter that they witnessed the city employee trespass on the other neighbor’s property and set the alarm off. They sent a text to the neighbor with the alarm, who was out of town at the time.

The neighbor we interviewed said “There was no other noises other than the alarm system that the city employee set off by trespassing in an attempt to harass our neighbor. We, other companies, and residences have alarm systems, and we know it is not illegal to have the alarm sound when an intruder is detected. The city employee is weird to set off an alarm and then call the police to complain about the alarm that he set off himself by trespassing on another’s property. The city employee’s animal howls throughout the day, every day disturbing the peace of the entire neighborhood, and the police do nothing. The city employee is a hypocrite for complaining about nothing just because they are butt hurt that others have called the police on their howling and aggressive animal. The police should patrol and listen to the city employee’s house during the evening as they would be able to hear the howling animal. The city employee is making false police reports and just using the police as retaliation for the calls about them actually violating the animal howling ordinances.” Neighborhood security footage provided to this reporter and attorneys verifies this neighbor’s statement.

According to the City of Fremont Ordinances, howling animals whether they are in a house or not is a violation of the City Ordnance 505.06.

An attorney representing the citizens being harassed by the Fremont Police said, “This city employee will also be personally sued for his involvement with the harassment and menacing. The name of the city employee will be released when the lawsuit begins. We also are going to the City of Fremont Prosecutor’s office for trespassing, and other charges for this incident and other incidents with this city employee.”

Sandusky County and Fremont Ohio have problems with corruption and crimes being commited by high ranking officials. Sandusky County Judge Ikes, was recently accussed of harassing another county employee.

Another former Sandusky County employee, Barth Downie, was recently indicted by a grand jury for misuse of an Ohio State investigative system. Barth allegedly used the Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway for personal use by running a criminal and other report on his daughter’s boyfriend, and one of her classmates. Barth also has a personal file for being disciplined for dishonesty, neglect of duty, inefficiency, and insubordination.

While interviewing people of Fremont, one citizen said “Fremont Mayor Sanchez, the Fremont Chief of Police, Detectives, and many people in charge in this county are a stain to the area. We have friends from out of State that read about Sandusky County Ohio, and they say they are happy they are not living in such a corrupt place.”

Another resident said “The population of Fremont Ohio has been declining by the thousands over the years. It is because of the crime rising, drug problems returning, and the mayor’s office and police destroying the city. Many factories have been leaving that have been here for decades.”

While investigating the incidents we were advised of further Fremont Police violations of the first amendment. One citizen in the Columbus Avenue area in Fremont said he was having a dispute with neighbors. He said he was yelling on his porch and was using some obscenities. Fremont Police said they would charge him if he continued. However, the first amendment protects people of using obscenities, yelling or any other gesture even if others find it offensive.

Another citizen said he had people over and they were talking at their house on Dickinson Street when the police arrived and told them they were talking too loudly. After the police left, they continued to talk as they knew it was not against the law. The Police returned a second time and was threatening charges and arrest. That is a violation of their first amendment rights as people have the right to talk no matter how loud it is or offensive it is to others.

One Fremont citizen we talked with said “Eventually the corrupt government employees either are fired, resign, or are put in prison. We had a former Sandusky County Sheriff, and former Sandusky County Sheriff Detective that have been sent to prison. We also had a previous Fremont Police Chief that resigned after corruption. We think the same should happen to the corrupt government employees involved with this harassment.”

The citizen was referring to former Sandusky County Sheriff Kyle Overmyer who had pleaded guilty to obtaining drugs by deception, tampering with records, theft and theft in office. Kyle Overmyer had misused public funds to go on family vacations and fund his campaign. He had also stolen drug boxes filled with discarded drugs from citizens that intended to get rid of unused drugs. These drug boxes were from various police departments in Sandusky County.

Former Sandusky County Sheriff Detective Sean P O’Connell was sentenced to prison after he plead guilty to tampering with evidence with a homicide investigation involving Heather Bogle. Seven other charges were dismissed. Sean was accused of misleading public officials to corrupt the outcome of the investigation. Like Barth Downie, Sean was also accused of using the Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway system (OHLEG) for personal use.

Former Police Chief Timothy Wiersma resigned after being accused of destroying a memo and is a crime as it is considered an official public record that can be requested by citizens and attorneys. The memo was apparently written by Wiersma and Wiersma wrote “brown-skinned (‘like a Crayola crayon’)” when he was describing a subject. Wiersma allegedly destroyed the memo due to the racial comment he knew was wrong. A former superior of Wiersma said to this reporter “Even before his superiors informed Wiersma of what we summoned him to talk about, Wiersma said “What memo I did not destroy any memo.” We thought that was odd as he already was denying something before we even accused him of it.  So, we thought that indicated he already knew he did wrong.”

An attorney investigating these incidents said “It is crazy how the Police and government think they can make up laws that prevent freedom of speech. It is not illegal to utter obscene words or gestures as they are protected under the first amendment. The Police and government really should read the constitution as they continue to violate the rights of the people.”

This reporter has never seen this much government corruption in such a small town.

We have yet to hear a response by Mayor Danny Sanchez about these incidents.

Fremont Ohio Mayor Danny Sanchez Fails to Respond to Citizens
Original Report 09/27/2024

Mayor Danny Sanchez of Fremont Ohio in Sandusky County has failed to respond to numerous calls, and emails about him allegedly using the Fremont Police to harass citizens in an attempt to intimidate them so they would not testify against officers which have falsely arrested people, made false statements about individuals and much more.

The Fremont Police Detectives are threatening witnesses with false charges for regular type noises which one would expect from the city or anywhere such as construction, laughing, loud talking, and more. According to the United States of America’s constitution, Bill of Rights, including the First Amendment, Ohio and Federal laws, and an attorney, these noises are normal and would not be considered annoying, disorderly, or anything against the law to that fact. Multiple attorneys from different residents who are in the process of starting lawsuits against the city said the police are making threats of charges which do not fit the elements of the Ohio Revised Code or any law for what the detectives, or police are threatening to charge the citizens with. The attorneys will include this in the lawsuits.

“Construction at a house or anywhere is vital to a city’s economy, and actually makes a city and neighborhood better as it increases its value and provides upkeep and maintenance on properties. If Mayor Danny Sanchez, the Fremont police department, and any other mayor or police department prohibits such construction, a city’s economy, and upkeep will go down and the city will look like a third world country” said economic advisor and expert Chad Wieder. “I am shocked and think it is a shame that a police department, and mayor would discourage construction.” continued Chad Wieder.

We were recently contacted about another Fremont resident who alleged that the chief of police, a detective, and a uniformed officer was outside her home during the day, listening to her having adult relations with her partner. Her neighbor, and security surveillance witnessed the officers, trespassing, and peeping in the windows in an attempt the look at their actions. The resident asked to be anonymous. The resident said, “I would like to be anonymous to prevent other perverts that would like to also peep like the police did.” We did obtain video surveillance which had the police trespassing on the properties. We also spoke with the neighbor which verified the female’s story. The neighbor said they did not hear the adult relations noises and thinks the only way the police could is by trespassing and peeping.  The first amendment and United States of America’s constitution also protects adult relation noises said an attorney representing some of the citizens of Fremont Ohio.

Another resident advised that their multiple neighbors were having issues with a city employee’s and a Sandusky County Health Department employee’s animal which howls throughout the day while they are not at the house and mostly of the evening hours while they are at the house. The animal also charges a fence and attempts to jump over the 2-foot fence when children go past their house, scaring the children and causing them to run. One resident said a child ran in the street after being scared by the charging animal and the child almost got struck by a vehicle. The residents witness the owner of the animal which is a city of Fremont Ohio employee laughs when the children get scared and runs and he does nothing to prevent the charging and howling throughout the day and evening. The neighbors addressed the concerns with them, and they decided to take the lead and contact the Sandusky County Dog Warden which has yet to respond to the complaints from July. They then contacted the police multiple times and they said the police would just drive past fast and not say anything to the city employee which they have recorded on video surveillance. They said the police only recently stopped and talked with the animal owner, but they do not continue to keep checking the house of the persistent disorderly animal as they would be able to hear the constant howling during the day and evening and witness the charging which scars the children. Residents are concerned that one day the aggressive animal will jump over the fence and attack and injury a child. An attorney advised that howling animals is not protected under the constitution, and the city employee and owner of the animal are breaking multiple laws. The residents said this is bias and they think the police harassment has not only to do with their potential testimony against one of the Officers involved with a false arrest, but also because the city employee is their pal, so they do nothing and instead find a way to harass the complainant. The resident has the bias incidents on video surveillance as witnessed by this reporter.  The residents in the neighborhood said they think to police should sit in the evening nearby as they will be able to witness for themselves the animal charging the fence and constant howling.

However, many residents think that the city employees gets tipped off when the police are called as they witnessed and overheard the city employee talking on his phone to someone who seemed to be advising him to get his animals in the house as the police were on the way. The residents are not sure if it is someone at the police department themselves, the mayor, or another city employee who is contacting the pal to warn him.

Many of the residents do not like the city employee or his wife due to their behavior and arrogance, however in an attempt to get along, they try to be cordial and answer when one of them makes small talk about the weather or something else. However, they admit their cordial behavior is fake and they do not approve of their arrogance and lack of control of the animal and lack of respect by not having the animal quit the constant howling.

One resident said he would actually be a great neighbor to the city employee if he respected the neighbors and their children. He thinks the city employee had prejudice against the neighbors around him shortly after moving in the area as a neighbor said they witnessed the city employee listening to a nearby elderly neighbor who likes to make false allegations against the other neighbors because the elderly neighbor likes to cause issues and had nothing else better to do.

“Mayor Danny Sanchez has no concern over the children in the city of Fremont Ohio or he would have his city employee quit being unprofessional per the city’s code of conduct. If a child gets injured or worse, the City of Fremont Ohio, the Fremont Police Department, and the Sandusky County Ohio Dog Warden will be liable for failing to take action against a persistent disorderly and aggressive animal.” said one of the residents’ attorneys.

This reporter has been staying in the Fremont area for the recent months to investigate the allegations. After viewing video surveillance, and talking to multiple citizens from different areas, the residents’ concerns about police intimidation cannot be ignored. The waste of taxpayer’s money by having police detectives investigation normal everyday noises that are everywhere and, in every city, and not illegal instead of investigating felonies like they are supposed to do can also not be ignored.

About 70 percent of people, we talked to about Mayor Sanchez said they would not vote for him and would vote for someone else if someone would run against him. They said a man by the name of Dallas Leake had run before and they regret not voting for him as he would put a stop to the police harassment of its’ citizens.

It is not a shock that this many people are not approving of Mayor Sanchez as his lack of responding to citizens, or the press is an indicator of him being self-serving and not serving the city of Fremont Ohio.

“The city of Fremont and the Fremont Police department will continue to be untrusted, and continue to face legal problems, if they do not quit harassing people for construction, people and other normal noises and activities, and making up claims of charges which do not fit the elements of the Ohio Revised Code” said one of the attorneys which will be identified later when the lawsuits start.

Fremont Ohio Mayor Danny Sanchez has yet to respond to the citizens’ complaints and this reporters’ questions and concerns. The residents said they are also in contact with national news organizations that said they will air this nationwide once the lawsuits start. The residents also advised there is a company that is also thinking of starting a documentary of the bias, and police harassment of the City of Fremont Ohio.

We will continue to also investigate Mayor Danny Sanchez, the Fremont Police Department, and other government agencies in Sandusky County.

Reference report:

Fremont Ohio Mayor Sanchez Allegedly Uses Police Intimidation to Prevent Witness Testimony


Shootings in Fremont Ohio Increase As Mayor Sanchez Refuses to Answer to the Citizens





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    One thought on “Fremont Ohio Mayor’s Employee Harasses and Menaces Neighborhood

    1. I contacted Mayor Sanchez years ago about another issue and he never return calls or did anything about the issue either. We have hundreds of us complaining and he didn’t even contact any of us about it. Mayor Danny Sanchez is a coward that don’t do anything for us in Fremont and is in it for himself. He just likes saying he is mayor. He is unti lthe next election and would have been gone the last election if it wasn’t for no one running against him. We are encouraing others to run against him in the next election.

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